OCTOPUS - Optimized CMOS Technology fOr Precision in Ultra-thin Silicon

Project Logo

OCTOPUS is a project within the CMOS Working Group (WG 1) of the Solid State Detectors Research and Development Collaboration (DRD3) at CERN.

Project goal: This project concerns the simulation, development and evaluation of monolithic fine-pitch pixel sensors implemented in the TPSCo65 process, targeting the vertex-detector requirements of future Lepton Colliders as outlined in the ECFA detector roadmap. Key final development goals include 3 µm single-point resolution, down to 5 ns time resolution as required for the high-energy Linear-Collider proposals, thinning to 50 µm, an average power consumption below 50 mW/cm2, a minimal inactive periphery area, and a sensor architecture scalable to a large-area detector system. The development of new high-resolution sensors for beam telescopes at DESY and CERN is foreseen as an intermediate target, with relaxed power-consumption (<500 mW/cm2) and timing requirements (100 ns). This staged approach allows for a further refinement of the performance targets, following the conclusions of the next update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics.

File storage at: CERNbox (project internal)

Meetings at: Meetings (project internal)

Proposal at: Project (DRD3 internal)

Gitlab at: GitLab (project internal)

Project Structure


Member institute Representative
Laboratoire Astroparticule & Cosmologie M. Bomben
Universität Bonn J. Dingfelder
Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille M. Barbero
CERN D. Dannheim
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron S. Spannagel
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich M. Backhaus
Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University P. Svihra
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung M. Deveaux
Institut für Hochenergiephysik der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften T. Bergauer
Institut pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien A. Besson
University of Oxford D. Bortoletto
Universität Zürich A. Macchiolo


Coordinators: S. Spannagel (DESY), D. Dannheim (CERN)

contact email: drd3.octopus@cern.ch

Work Packages

WP1: Simulations

Conveners: A. Ilg (UZH), A. Velyka (DESY)

CERNbox: WP1 Simulations (project internal)

Meetings: WP1 Simulations (project internal)

WP2: ASIC design

Conveners: F. Guezzi (IPHC), L. Huth (DESY), S. Senyukov (IPHC)

CERNbox: WP2 ASIC (project internal)

Meetings: WP2 ASIC (project internal)

Gitlab: WP2 ASIC (project internal)


Conveners: Y. Otarid (CERN)

CERNbox: WP3 DAQ (project internal)

WP4: Characterization

Conveners: M. Franks (ETHZ), F. King (DESY)

CERNbox: WP4 Characterization (project internal)

Project website maintained by peter.svihra@cern.ch